Thursday, June 21, 2012

From the Shadow

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!”
For you have made the Lordmy refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place.
No evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your tent.
Psalm 91:1-2, 9-10 (NAS)

As soon as summer began, I hit the ground running! On the last day of work, I headed out of town for a dynamic weekend with youth at church camp, I was home for a few days of working around the house and preparing for my next trip. After picking up a friend from the airport, we headed off to Tennessee for the School of Healing and Impartation. The schedule was demanding, but I enjoyed the fast pace and plentiful company! The rhythmic tide of summer brought me home again for a few days before my journey to Kentucky. My seminary class was full and we sat elbow to elbow all week long. In the evenings, I went home to a room in someone else's home. Having so little time to myself last week helped me realize again my need for time and space of my own. 

Tomorrow, I will have been home for a week. I have not settled into a regular schedule. In the midst of my random busy-ness, I am reminded of a task that helped me to develop a pattern of disciplines. Last year, I wrote a Rule of Life for myself - a list of the meaningful, helpful, valuable things I would like to remember to take time for regularly. It's time to look back at this, make some adjustments and begin to implement disciplines that I have neglected

Do you have a Rule of Life? Have you heard of this before? I had very limited exposure to the concept, but as I began to learn about the Rule of Life I was able to recognize where I had seen evidence of it in the lives of others. Rather than a list of tasks like a to do list, it is a reminder of the things we can do to nurture ourselves and participate in our relationship with God. The rule of life is a structure, like a spiritual house, a dwelling place. It is a means of establishing that time and space that we need as spiritual beings. Having such a structure provides an environment in which we can thrive - like a spiritual greenhouse. It also becomes a refuge, a covering for times of difficulty. 

God, you brought order to the chaos "in the beginning".
You created us in your image - to create and to have dominion.
Inspire us by the Holy Spirit to bring holy order and beauty to our lives.
We choose to set our lives apart as a dwelling place for you.
Open our eyes to understand your design
so that we can continue the work of Christ in the world.


  1. Gary,
    I will have to get to the other computer in order to open the file containing my Rule of Life. I am listing a couple of websites that I think are interesting and helpful. Each person's Rule will look different. My analytical side wants to create a chart with column headings (spirit, soul, body) and rows (daily, weekly, monthly, seasonally, yearly). In each cell I would place my tasks... here are some of them:

    Yearly, I will attend a conference in which I am only a participant and have no leadership responsibilities.
    Seasonally, I will ask the Holy Spirit to show me things that need to be purged and pruned from my life.
    Monthly, I will set aside a two-day period of rest and recovery to maintain order in my home and life.
    Weekly, I will participate in worship with my faith community & make intentional prayer in solitude a priority.
    Daily, I will make healthy lifestyle choices (specifically in this season - no fast food or fountain drinks).

    Categories could be based on time or our triune nature (body, soul, spirit) or from a favorite scripture text. You know the one in Acts (2:42?) that says that the believers devoted themselves to the breaking of bread, the apostles' teaching, fellowship, and prayer. That would be a good framework. How am I devoted to prayer? Fellowship? The apostles' teaching? The breaking of bread?

    My Rule of Life needs to include two more specific things in this season: waiting on God (soaking prayer) and reading the Word aloud in my home (declarations and decrees). All of this is to create a lifestyle of prayer, worship, and mission!

    Hope to see you soon!
